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Monday, January 23, 2006

O Hag You Have Killed Me

Ten Irish dance tunes with unusual names:

Cornelius Curtin’s Big Balloon
Tell Her I Am
O Hag You Have Killed Me
The Priest in his Boots
The Ladies' Pantalettes
Roll Her on the Banks
The Jolly Clamdiggers
Kitty Got a Clinking
The Cat that Kittled in Jamesie’s Wig
Jenny Bang the Weaver

'The Ladies' Pantalettes' is a nautical term. When sailors on tall ships wanted to hurry home they ran all the canvas onboard up the mast, and referred to the final piece of sail above the top gallants as 'the ladies' pantalettes'.

The picture is of the great Donegal fiddler John Doherty, who played a mighty version of 'The Cat That Kittled in Jamesie's Wig'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to hear or get the music to play these tunes?