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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Look Away Now

Beckett fact no. 21.

Nicolas Chamfort, aristocratic cynic and tosser-off of maxim-sized 'black diamonds of pessimism', to borrow a phrase from Dream; Beckett translated some in 'Long After Chamfort'. Would almost certainly have featured in this series before now but for the following suggestion (look away now batrachiophiles): 'Il faudrait avaler un crapaud tous les matins pour ne rien trouver de dégoûtant dans la journée quand on doit la passer dans le monde.' Swallow a toad every morning and nothing else that happens that day will seem quite as disgusting. You get his drift.

Licking toads, of course, is another matter.

Chamfort died on Beckett's birthday: a shaving accident of the throat-slicing kind, a bit like the Old Boy in Murphy. I trust that morning's toad managed to escape.

Likes: Chamfort
Dislikes: Being eaten by Chamfort

The Inishboffin Chamfort toad

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