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Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Word from Our Sponsors

At the Blew Ball in Whale Bone-Court, at the Lower End of Bartholomew Lane, near the Royal Exchange; Liveth W. Ebny, Professor of Physick, of known Integrity: Who most safely and expeditiously Cures Deafness and Noises in the Ears in any, of what Age soever (if Curable) and at first sight, by Inspection, resolves the Patient if so or not, as most eminent Persons of Quality can testify. The Ear is the Organ of Hearing, the most Spiritual Sense, the Agent of Understanding, the Gate through which Sense, Truth, and Virtue, hath its Entrance into the Soul. He hath likewise a Pill which Cleanseth the Blood from all Impurities, infallibly curing the Scurvey: It cures the Head-Ach to Admiration, taking away Vapours Offensive to the Brain: It creates a good Stomach and Digestion; takes away Sharpness of Urine, and Cleanseth the Reins; and being a certain and present remedy for the Gout. It cures all Joynt-Pains, resists Feavers and Surfeits; and preserves the Body in perfect Health. He hath Boxes of several Prices, according as Necessity requires, with Directions, from 1 s. 6 d. to 3 s. Also a most excellent Gargarism or Mouth-water, which will make Black or Yellow Teeth as White as Ivory in a few times using; and it will certainly cure the Scurvy, and all other Diseases incident to the Mouth, Teeth, and Gums. The Glasses are of several Prices, with Directions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll have some of that then - the three shilliny one will do!